Unlock the untamed power within and embark on a life changing journey with the Jaguar.

Are you ready to confront darkness, embrace grief, and emerge as a beacon of empowerment and resilience?
Step into your power now.

Jaguar Medicine is a powerful 6 month 1:1 journey
It's a sacred passage, a journey of deep healing, empowerment, and transformation.

Over the course of six months, we'll embark on a three-phase exploration, delving into the depths of your being to uncover your true essence and power.

As a Tantrika Shamana I bring forth a unique blend of practices that set this journey unlike any other. Here are five ways in which my approach diverges from the conventional:

1. Tantric Fusion: Infusing the ancient wisdom of Tantra into every aspect of our work together, we unlock the power of sacred sexuality and energy cultivation, fostering deep healing and expansion.

2. Shamanic Visioning: Guided by shamanic principles, we embark on visionary journeys to uncover hidden truths, traverse the depths of the subconscious, and access realms beyond the ordinary.

3. Elemental Alchemy: Harnessing the elemental forces of nature, we engage in rituals and practices that harmonize with Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, invoking their transformative energies into our sacred space.

4. Embodied Wisdom: Through somatic practices and embodiment techniques, we honor the wisdom of the body as a vessel for spiritual awakening, inviting profound integration and alignment on all levels.

5. Heart-Centered Guidance: Rooted in compassion and authenticity, my guidance emanates from the heart, creating a safe and nurturing container for deep soul work, exploration, and growth.

Walk the Jaguar Medicine Journey with Tantrika Shamana

What will the Journey be like?

This journey will be a sacred and deeply transformative experience. You'll be held in a safe and nurturing space as you confront your shadows, awaken your primal energy, and step into your true power. Through personalized guidance, support, and powerful practices, you'll undergo a profound metamorphosis, emerging as the embodied feminine force you were always meant to be.

Are you ready to unleash the Jaguar within? Your transformation awaits.
Join me on this sacred journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and radical self-love.


ā€œIn shadow's depths, the Jaguar roams
Guide to realms where truth is sown
Embrace the void, let healing start
From darkness blooms the light of heartā€

In this initial phase, youā€™ll embark on a deep dive into your subconscious world confronting and releasing any unhealthy patterns that have held you back and obscured your innate power. Through shadow work, you'll uncover the roots of your limitations and reclaim your power.. Just as the Jaguar prowls the shadows, embrace all facets of yourself, allowing radical self-love to flourish.


ā€œRelease the chains of bygone pain
Embrace the void, let healing reign.
For in the darkness, seeds take root,
To bloom anew, from shadow's fruitā€

As you shed the layers of societal and cultural conditioning, you'll enter the realm of your primal, feminine self. This phase is about shedding the constraints of the "good girl" and tapping into your raw desires and instincts. With the guidance of the Jaguar, you'll navigate the wilderness of your soul and rediscover your true essence.


"In the heart of the wild, we find our stride,
Jaguar's essence, in us, abides.
Merge and consume, in primal dance,
Strength and grace, our wild romanceā€

In the final phase, you'll integrate the lessons of the journey and fully embody the wild, primal feminine energy within. Grounded in your newfound strength and wisdom, you'll emerge as the embodiment of the Jaguar ā€“ fierce, resilient, and untamed.

what you receive?

1. Intimate 1:1 Guidance: Bi-Weekly - 90 min 1:1 calls for 6 months
Experience the power of intimate connection through BI-WEEKLY immersive 90-minute calls. These deeply transformative sessions are tailored to your unique journey, providing a safe space for exploration, reflection, and growth.

2. Daily Support: Mon-Fri telegram support
Your journey doesn't end with our calls; it's a continuous unfolding. That's why I'm committed to providing daily support, Monday through Friday, via the Telegram app. Whether you seek guidance, clarity, or simply a listening ear, I'm here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

3. Personalized Attention: Your journey is as unique as you are.
That's why each interaction, whether during our calls or through Telegram, is infused with personalized attention and care. Together, we'll navigate the depths of your soul, unlocking the wisdom and power that reside within you.


Embarking on the Jaguar Medicine journey is an investment in your growth, empowerment, and transformation. The 6-month journey is $12,000, offering a comprehensive and personalized experience tailored to your unique path.

Your commitment to self-growth deserves to be honored and supported in every way possible. Iā€™m here to ensure that financial considerations don't hinder your ability to embark on this profound journey of self-exploration which is why I am pleased to offer flexible monthly payment options. You can join this life changing experience for just $2,000 per month.