The Jaguar Woman: Reclaim Your Power

A 3-week long SELF - PACED COURSE where you get to rewrite your birth story, understand your soul's purpose, and cultivate an intimate relationship with yourself and the universe.

Are you ready to unlock layers of truths of your beginnings and embrace your role as a co-creator of your reality?

This mini-course is a 3 part series embedded with activation codes
When you finish this course, you also get an opportunity to book 1:1 FREE check in call so we can integrate and
celebrate your transformation

Part 1: Meeting with the Jaguar - Our Beginnings

In this part, we delve into the origins of our existence through the eyes of the jaguar. With the jaguar's keen perception and healing power, you'll uncover the profound truths of your birth story. You'll have the opportunity to see the gifts and wounds you received from your birth givers and understand why you specifically chose them as a portal to come through.

This is a journey of Healing AND remembrance!

By connecting with the jaguar, you reclaim agency over your conditioning and lineage. The jaguar helps you return power back to your innocence, embarking on a journey of rebirth, shedding old wounds, and embracing the gifts of your ancestry.

Part 2: Walking with the Jaguar - Communing with the Universe

Dive deep into the universal laws that govern existence, learning how to align your energy with the divine flow of life. In this part, you'll uncover the codes that unlock communion with the universe, guided by the wisdom of the jaguar. This majestic creature embodies the essence of co-creation and teaches you how to walk with confidence and grace in the world.

This part is about awakening to your truth that YOU are always co-creating with the Universe! The jaguar's presence enhances your connection, helping you navigate life's complexities and align your purpose with the universal flow.

Part 3: Consuming the Jaguar - Building Self-Intimacy

Embrace the power of self-intimacy as we journey into the depths of your being. Through walking meditations and sacred dance practices, you'll connect with the divine essence within, awakening to the fullness of your existence. The jaguar's energy is about consuming life fully, living with intensity and passion.

Once you finish this mini-course, you will also get a chance to connect with me 1:1 for a check-in call for integration, further support, and most importantly, to celebrate your transformation together. The jaguar's journey is one of profound personal empowerment and spiritual awakening, guiding you to reclaim your power fully.

Are you ready to rewrite your story, and reclaim your power?

Enroll now and embark on this life-changing mini-course.

Reclaim Your Power
Sale Price:$111.00 Original Price:$333.00
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